Colorful dream - a bouquet of red carnations and chrysanthemums
Summer, flirty, colorful - all intertwined in this bouquet. Red carnations and miniature green chrysanthemums will raise the mood for the whole day. Looking at this bunch, it is impossible not to smile - because of it radiates energy, lust for life, positive. You can choose absolutely any reason to give this magic, there is nothing more valuable than the smile of a loved one.
Bouquet in the hands of the recipients
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COMMENTS ABOUT Bouquet «Colorful dream - a bouquet of red carnations and chrysanthemums»
Artem / г. Улан-Удэ / 22.08.2017bouquet rating:I ordered a bouquet of his grandfather on May 9. My grandfather was very happy and touched delivery. it was very important to me. I will order flowers and more from you!
Renat / г. Москва / 19.08.2017bouquet rating:The order was from Moscow to Biysk Altai Territory. Thank you very much for a job !!! Everything is great! I advise everyone.
Anna / г. Стерлитамак / 26.09.2016bouquet rating:Good bouquet and value available. The designer for the granny in the village. All good thank you!
Dmitriy / 11.04.2015bouquet rating:I ordered a bouquet of a loved one, so she was thrilled. Flowers just wonderful. Thank you for having created such wonderful bouquets.
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